Man never gets bored of losing - Gujarati Quotes at

સાહેબ.. હારીને માણસ ક્યારેય નથી કંટાળતો, પણ કંટાળીને હારી જાય છે .

gujarati lose man
One day they have convoys - Motivational Quotes at

जीनमें अकेले चलने के हौसले होते है, एक दीन उनके पीछे काफीले होते है

hindi alone
The more man meditates - Motivational Quotes at

The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.

A human is born in every house - Hindi Quotes at

इंसान तो हर घर में पैदा होता है पर इंसानीयत कहीं-कहीं ही जनम लेती है।

people hindi
U Alphabet in Red - Letter And Alphabet Quotes at

U Alphabet and Letter in Red

Hope and fear are intertwined - Gujarati Quotes at

આશા અને ભય એકબીજા સાથે જોડાયેલા છે, ભય વીનાની કોઈ આશા નથી અને આશા વીનાનો કોઈ ભય નથી...

gujarati hope
Everything takes me - Truth Quotes at

Everything takes me longer than I expect. It's the sad truth about life.

truth life sad
Hope lies in dreams - Hope Quotes at

Hope lies in dreams in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.

hope dreams
I do not know my prayers - Hindi Quotes at

मैं ना जानू इबादत, मुझे माफ़ कर देना ऐ मेरे खुदा, मैं तो तेरे दर पे आता हूँ, उसकी गली से गुजरने के लीए!!

Success does not lead to happiness - Success Quotes at

सफलता ख़ुशी का कारण नही है, ख़ुशी सफलता का कारण है

success happy hindi
When you arise in the morning - Love Quotes at

When you arise in the morning think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

The stones have fulfilled their duty - Hindi Quotes at

ठोकरें खा कर भी ना संभले तो मुसाफीर का नसीब, वरना पत्थरों ने तो अपना फर्ज़ नीभा ही दीया

hindi true line hope