mega888 Life Quotes at
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful - Life Quotes at

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life

In looking farther A lot is going on - Gujarati Quotes at

વધારે દૂર જોવાની રાહ માં ઘણું બધું નજીક થી જતું રહે છે...

gujarati life time
Only I can Change my life - Life Quotes at

Only I can Change my life No one can Do it for me.

My mission in life is - Inspiration Quotes at

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

inspiration life
Be sure to keep a few distance between - Hindi Quotes at

चंद फासला जरूर रखिए हर रिश्ते के दरमियान, क्योंकि नहीं भूलती दो चीज़ें चाहे जितना भुलाओ एक “घाव” और दूसरा “लगाव”

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As long as the aim of education - Hindi Quotes at

जब तक शिक्षा का मकसद नौकरी पाना होगा, तब तक समाज में नौकर ही पैदा होंगे, मालिक नहीं

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Change your life today - Life Quotes at

Change your life today Don't gamble On the future Act now Without delay

As long as you believe others - Hindi Quotes at

जब तक आप अपनी समस्याओं एंव कठिनाइयों की वजह दूसरों को मानते है, तब तक आप अपनी समस्याओं एंव कठिनाइयों को मिटा नहीं सकते|

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Life consists not in holding - Life Quotes at

Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.

I feel I am lucky - Life Quotes at

I feel I am lucky I am grateful for This life that God has given me I am happy as I am getting to do Work that I want to do and enjoy doing it

Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - Life Quotes at

Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place the unique you Have an aim in life continuously acquire knowledge, work hard and have perseverance to realise the great life.

gives respect to the person everywhere - Hindi Quotes at

श्रद्धा’ ज्ञान देती हैं, ‘नम्रता’ मान देती हैं, और ‘योग्यता’ स्थान देती है ! पर तीनो मिल जाए तो.. व्यक्ति को हर जगह ‘सम्मान’ देती हैं.!!!

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